Health Professionals
& First Responders
There are not many occupations like that of health professionals and first responders which include the routine exposure to trauma, violence and suffering. Trauma reactions are normal reactions to extremely abnormal circumstances. Post-Traumatic Stress injury can move into post-traumatic stress growth. Sometimes we need support to provide insights into stress reactions and to enhance our existing strengths.

Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger from post-traumatic or stressful events. We can find ourselves having trouble coping both inside and outside of the job. These are normal reactions with a neurobiological connection. We are not weak, needy or damaged. We can overcome these symptoms by understanding our bodies and the brain link. Then the grief work and healing process can occur starting with mindfulness-based practices to achieve a sense of grounding.
First Responders and Health professions may include:
Fire Fighters
Police Officers
911 Dispatchers
Health Care Workers
Social workers
The challenge:
Often health professionals are avoidant of actively participating in self-care. They may also not be setting boundaries to ensure they prioritize their wellness. I have observed and experienced this first hand. Our professional and personal lives can suffer without us even realizing how much.
What is holding you back from getting your own help?
Confidentiality Concerns
Although we understand the importance of confidentiality, we again feel vulnerable and may have concerns that our information will not be held private. Nothing will be shared unless you give permission. There may be some exceptions but we will discuss this in depth.
Stigma with Mental Health Support
Often health care professionals believe we should be able to solve our own problems. We may view ourselves as being “weak” when we need assistance. We feel shame or embarrassment for reaching out.
A Sense of Loss of Control
We are used to having a certain amount of control and a feeling of being “in charge” in our work. We are used to being the ones assessing situations and people and not the other way around. When we find ourselves on the other end of the helping, we may feel apprehensive, nervous, and uneasy.
Devaluing or Minimizing Self-Care
We know we should do this, but we don’t. Do you find yourself putting yourself last? Do you put the needs of patients, clients, and family members first? Do you find you don’t have the time or feel that it is selfish to tend to your own needs? Do you find Self-care silly or overvalued?
My Wishes for First Responders and Health Professionals
Change the pattern and prioritize wellness
Accept that vulnerability is not only “ok,” it is also tied to wellness and success
Shine a light on the pitfalls of stoicism and emotion minimization
Value support for healthy and balanced professional lives
Value support for healthy and balanced personal lives
Discuss burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma
Increase our understanding and awareness of our potential symptoms
Minimize risks from work-related moral distress and post-traumatic stress
Create new dialogue around our professional responsibility to prioritize self-care
Do for yourself what you advocate for others
I value trust, collaboration, and confidentiality. I believe that counselling is normal and healthy and I will honour your professional experiences.